Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Backyard Gourmand - A River Cottage Inspiration

In 2005, I traveled to England to visit a friend.  We spent our time hiking, visiting castles, mountain biking, traipsing around London, and exploring some classic English culture.  During our downtime, Rob and I occasioned in front of the tele (as they call it), during which I got my first exposure to a show called River Cottage.

River Cottage documents the works of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, a chef turned smallholder (owner of a small farm), with a mission of advocating for seasonal, local, organic, and ethically produced food.  Local foods, including foraged foods, are a prominent feature of the show.  The River Cottage philosophy spoke to me, still speaks to me.  For one reason or another - including health issues, lack of knowledge, perceived cost - turning the philosophy of seasonal, local, organic, and ethically produced food into practice evolved (and is still evolving) slowly.  But we (Ingrid and I) are finding low-cost ways of including mostly seasonal, local, organic, and ethically produced food in our diet.

The idea for the Backyard Gourmand blog is to pay homage to those efforts - to help others interested in moving toward seasonal, local, organic, and ethically produced foods

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